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The Multispecies Salon
A new approach to writing culture has arrived: multispecies ethnography. Plants, animals, fungi, and microbes appear alongside humans in this... Les mer
Absolute Recoil
"In this major new work the leading philosopher Slavoj Zizek argues that philosophical materialism has failed to meet the key scientific,... Les mer
Teologisk-politisk traktat
Det finns ett fotografi där den norske filosofen och bergsbestigaren Arne Næss sitter i ett tält på några tusen meters höjd och läser... Les mer
Vad som inte kan köpas för pengar. Marknadens moraliska gränser
Vi lever i en tid då nästan allting kan köpas och säljas. Under de senaste tre decennierna har marknaden, och marknadens värden, kommit att... Les mer
Skrifter i utvalg [II]
Walter Benjamin kan med rette kalles en av det tjuende århundrets viktigste tenkere. Skrifter i utvalg I og II, redigert av Arild Linneberg, er det... Les mer
Skrifter i utvalg [I]
Walter Benjamin kan med rette kalles en av det tjuende århundrets viktigste tenkere. Skrifter i utvalg I og II, redigert av Arild Linneberg, er det... Les mer
Author of "The Soul at Work" and "After the Future," Franco Berardi Bifo (born 1949) is one of today's most articulate and... Les mer
The Crisis of the European Union
In the midst of the current crisis that is threatening to derail the historical project of European unification, Jurgen Habermas has been one of the... Les mer
The Conquest of Happiness
In The Conquest of Happiness, first published by Liveright in 1930, iconoclastic philosopher Bertrand Russell attempted to diagnose the myriad causes... Les mer
Nietzsche Apostle
Peter Sloterdijk's essay on Friedrich Nietzsche and the benefits and dangers of narcissistic jubilation.  For Peter Sloterdijk, Friedrich... Les mer
Deleuze. Tänkande och blivande
Genom Gilles Deleuzes mångfacetterade verk löper frågan om vad det innebär att definiera såväl tänkandet som världen utifrån blivandet.... Les mer
We Have Only This Life to Live
"One of the most brilliant and versatile writers as well as one of the most original thinkers of the twentieth century." -Times (London)... Les mer
Cinema I: The Movement-Image
"English translation first published in 1986 by The Athlone Press"--T.p.... Les mer
Cinema II: The Time-Image
"English translation first published in 1989 by The Athlone Press"--T.p.... Les mer
In 1900, Dutch art historians Andre Jolles and Aby Warburg constructed an experimental dialogue in which Jolles supposed he had fallen in love with... Les mer
Poetry, Language, Thought
Poetry, Language, Thought collects Martin Heidegger's pivotal writings on art, its role in human life and culture, and its relationship to thinking... Les mer
Vad är kött? Kroppen och ­människan i ­Merleau-Pontys filosofi
En hand som fattar en annan hand eller en kropp som rör vid sig själv – sådan är bilden av köttet i den franske filosofen Merleau-Pontys... Les mer
Simone Weil and Theology
Simone Weil - philosopher, religious thinker, mystic, social/political activist - is notoriously difficult to categorize, since her life and writings... Les mer
" In the book Nostalgia Espen Gleditsch investigates how we perceive, interpret and communicate optical phenomena, geography and history.... Les mer
Violence and the Sacred
Violence and the Sacred is Rene Girard's landmark study of human evil. Here Girard explores violence as it is represented and occurs throughout... Les mer
Reflections On Anti-Semitism
Since the beginning of the "War on Terror," Israel has become increasingly salient to imperial strategy and ever more aggressive in its policies... Les mer
An Aesthetic Education in the Era of Globalization
During the past twenty years, the world’s most renowned critical theorist—the scholar who defined the field of postcolonial studies—has... Les mer
Being and Event
Since the book’s first publication in 1988, Alain Badiou’s Being and Event has established itself of one of the most important and controversial... Les mer
Den nikomakiske etikk
Hva er det gode liv? Dette spørsmålet har formodentlig opptatt mennesket til alle tider, og det er utgangspunktet for den delen av den filosofiske... Les mer