Bøker i kategorien Samfunn/politikk

Kun lagervarer
Manuel Castells, hyllad för sitt stora arbete om informationsåldern och nätverkssamhället, presenterar i Internetgalaxen en bred analys av... Les mer
Det individualiserade samhället
Zygmunt Bauman har under det senaste decenniet i en rad arbeten analyserat särdragen för det postmoderna tillståndet. Han har skildrat hur det... Les mer
A Theory of Economic Growth
Provides an in-depth treatment of the overlapping generations model in economics incorporating production. Chapter 1 investigates competitive... Les mer
The Future of the American Labor Movement
Coming at a time of profound change in the global conditions under which American organized labor exists, The Future of the American Labor Movement... Les mer
Nationalist Exclusion and Ethnic Conflict
Andreas Wimmer argues that nationalist and ethnic politics have shaped modern societies to a far greater extent than has been acknowledged by social... Les mer
Liberalism, Democracy and Development
Many commentators have assumed a close connection between liberal democracy and economic development. Sylvia Chan questions this assumption and... Les mer
Situational Prison Control
This book examines the control of problem behaviour in prison from a situational crime prevention perspective. Following the success of situational... Les mer
Biodiversity, Sustainability and Human Communities
Biodiversity is the key indicator of a healthy planet and healthy society. Losses of biodiversity have now become widespread and current rates are... Les mer
Marxism, Modernity and Postcolonial Studies
At a time when even much of the political left seems to believe that transnational capitalism is here to stay, Marxism, Modernity and Postcolonial... Les mer
Religious Conviction in Liberal Politics
What role should a citizen’s religious convictions play in her political activities? Is she, for example, permitted to decide on the basis of her... Les mer
Legitimacy and Politics
For the past few years, the increase in cases of political corruption, the loss of politicians’ credibility, the development of social and... Les mer
To fly styrtet i World Trade Center
Terroraksjonen 11. september var et angrep på symboler. To sentrale bilder på økonomisk og militær makt ble angrepet og endret karakter. Bildene... Les mer
Antropologi, samhällsteori och politik. Radikalkonservatism och kritisk teori. Gehlen
Om man betraktar människan som varg, lamm eller blanddjur har konsekvenser för ens syn på samhället och politiken. Omvänt så har uppfattningen... Les mer
Legislative Politics in Latin America
This study explores legislative politics in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico. Instead of beginning with an assumption that these legislatures are... Les mer
Blanke løgner, skitne sannheter
Blanke løgner, skitne sannheter undersøker hvilke ideologiske strømninger som overtok i verden i løpet av 1990-tallet. Den viser hvordan en ny... Les mer
The Macro Polity
The Macro Polity provides the first comprehensive model of American politics at the system level. Focusing on the interactions between citizen... Les mer
Kommandør av Guds nåde. En historie om Frelsesarmeen
Anna Hannevik har vært en av Frelsesarmeens sterke krefter og en av de ganske få norske som har tatt del i den internasjonale ledelsen. Boken... Les mer
Risk and Reason
What should be done about airplane safety and terrorism, global warming, polluted water, nuclear power, and genetically engineered food? All over the... Les mer
The Making of the Chinese Industrial Workplace
State workers in China have until recently enjoyed the iron rice bowl of comprehensive cradle-to-grave benefits and lifetime employment. This central... Les mer
Crony Capitalism
Why has the literature on Asian development not addressed the issue of money politics in Korea? How can we reconcile the view of an efficient... Les mer
Transforming Mozambique
Many of the economic transformations in Africa have been as dramatic as those in Eastern Europe. Yet much of the comparative literature on... Les mer
A Theory of Economic Growth
Provides an in-depth treatment of the overlapping generations model in economics incorporating production. Chapter 1 investigates competitive... Les mer
Natural Rights and the Right to Choose
Over the last thirty years the American political class has come to talk itself out of the doctrines of natural rights that formed the main teaching... Les mer
Liberal Pluralism
William Galston is a distinguished political philosopher whose work is informed by the experience of having also served from 1993–1995 as President... Les mer