Bøker i kategorien Sosiologi
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Public Accountability
There is an ongoing perception that public accountability in modern-day governance is in crisis, caused by globalization and the increasing power of...
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Hearing the Other Side
Religion and politics, as the old saying goes, should never be discussed in mixed company. And yet fostering discussions that cross lines of...
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Diverse Communities
Diverse Communities is a critique of Robert Putnam’s social capital thesis, re-examined from the perspective of women and cultural minorities in...
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Essential Mathematics for Political and Social Research
Essential Mathematics for Political and Social Research addresses an educational deficiency in the social and behavioral sciences. This is the first...
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Public Accountability
There is an ongoing perception that public accountability in modern-day governance is in crisis, caused by globalization and the increasing power of...
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Multilevel Governance of Global Environmental Change
This collection is the outcome of an interdisciplinary research project involving scholars in the fields of international and comparative...
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Att lära för överlevnad
Hur påverkar återkommande budskap om miljöhot barn och ungdomar? Tappar de hoppet om framtiden och tilltron till vuxna, till politiken,...
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Tv som undervisningsteknologi
De nya tekniska och medicinska fakulteterna i Linköping invigdes med pompa och ståt 1969 med förevisning av den nya teknik som skulle...
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Is There a Duty to Obey the Law?
The central question in political philosophy is whether political states have the right to coerce their constituents and whether citizens have a...
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Computational and Mathematical Modeling in the Social Sciences
Mathematical models in the social sciences have become increasingly sophisticated and widespread in the last decade. This period has also seen many...
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Att ordna staden
Staden -- hot eller löfte? I Sverige har den etniska boendesegregationen i storstäderna gått från att vara en rättvisefråga till att ses som...
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Approaches to Class Analysis
Few themes have been as central to sociology as class and yet class remains a perpetually contested idea. Sociologists disagree not only on how best...
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Vad är naturvetenskap och teknik? Vilken roll och betydelse har de för samhället? Är vetenskapsmannen en hjälte, och i så fall på vilket...
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Dissecting the Social
Over the past few decades serious reservations have been expressed about the explanatory power of sociological theory and research. In this important...
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The Sociology of Emotions
All social relations involve emotional responses, from the simplest face-to-face encounter through the mobilization of social movements to the...
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Social Traps and the Problem of Trust
A social trap is a situation where individuals, groups or organisations are unable to cooperate owing to mutual distrust and lack of social capital,...
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Deciding What’s News
25th Anniversary Edition
For ten years, Herbert J. Gans spent considerable time in four major television and magazine newsrooms, observing and...
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Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis
Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis presents the most important developments in quantitative models and methods for analyzing social...
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The Economic Implications of Aging Societies
The world is getting older and no one knows exactly what life will be like in tomorrow’s older societies. But we do know that age dependency ratios...
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The Development of Durkheim’s Social Realism
Drawing on the kind of historicist perspective encouraged by Quentin Skinner and Richard Rorty, this book explores the development of Durkheim’s...
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Computational and Mathematical Modeling in the Social Sciences
Mathematical models in the social sciences have become increasingly sophisticated and widespread in the last decade. This period has also seen many...
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The Sociology of Emotions
All social relations involve emotional responses, from the simplest face-to-face encounter through the mobilization of social movements to the...
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Dissecting the Social
Over the past few decades serious reservations have been expressed about the explanatory power of sociological theory and research. In this important...
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Social Traps and the Problem of Trust
A social trap is a situation where individuals, groups or organisations are unable to cooperate owing to mutual distrust and lack of social capital,...
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