
What is space? This fascinating journey of exploration begins in our own minds - the space within our brains. We discover how space is used in sign language and in architecture, before moving on to the virtual space created in an imaginary computer-generated world. The delineation of space has been important throughout human history, and we look at how boundaries have been mapped in the past, and how they remain politically important today. Finally, we travel into outer space, to look at human exploration and the ultimate nature of space and the universe.

• A unique interdisciplinary exploration of the concept of space • Essays by eight eminent researchers including Susan Greenfield, Daniel Libeskind and John Barrow


Introduction François Penz, Gregory Radick and Robert Howell; 1. Inner space Susan Greenfield; 2. Language and space Karen Emmorey; 3. Architectural space Daniel Libeskind; 4. Virtual space Char Davies; 5. Mapping space Lisa Jardine; 6. International space Neal Ascherson; 7. Exploring space Jeffrey Hoffman; 8. Outer space John Barrow.