William Faulkner

A comprehensive collection of contemporary published reactions to the writing of William Faulkner from 1926 to 1962, these articles document the response of reviewers to specific works, and chronicle the development of Faulkner’s reputation among the nation’s book reviewers. It has often been assumed that a poor reception in the popular review publications contributed to Faulkner’s lack of commercial success. The material presented here tends to refute that assumption, clarifying the development of Faulkner’s literary career and providing a fuller understanding of the part played by book reviewing in the sales, promotion and success of American literature.

• Only reference work available offering collected contemporary reviews of the work of William Faulkner


Introduction; Acknowledgements; The Marble Faun; Soldiers’ Pay; Mosquitoes; Sartoris; The Sound and the Fury; As I Lay Dying; Sanctuary; These Thirteen; Salmagundi; Miss Zilphia Gant; Light in August; A Green Bough; Doctor Martino and Other Stories; Pylon; Absalom! Absalom!; The Unvanquished; The Wild Palms; The Hamlet; Go Down, Moses and Other Stories; The Portable Faulkner; Intruder in the Dust; Knight’s Gambit; Collected Stories; Notes on a Horsethief; Requiem for a Nun; Mirrors of Chartres Street; A Fable; The Faulkner Reader; Big Woods; The Town; New Orleans Sketches; Three Famous Short Novels; The Mansion; The Reivers.