Bøker i kategorien Samfunn/politikk

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A Theory of the State
This book models the emergence of the state, and the forces that shape it. State creation is bound to protection needs. A specialized protector-ruler... Les mer
Political Extremism and Rationality
Political extremism is widely considered to be the product of irrational behavior. The distinguishing feature of this collection by well-known... Les mer
Corporate Crime, Law, and Social Control
Why do corporations obey the law? When companies violate the law, what kinds of interventions are most apt to correct their behavior and return them... Les mer
Situational Prison Control
This book examines the control of problem behaviour in prison from a situational crime prevention perspective. Following the success of situational... Les mer
Liberalism, Democracy and Development
Many commentators have assumed a close connection between liberal democracy and economic development. Sylvia Chan questions this assumption and... Les mer
Biodiversity, Sustainability and Human Communities
Biodiversity is the key indicator of a healthy planet and healthy society. Losses of biodiversity have now become widespread and current rates are... Les mer
Nationalist Exclusion and Ethnic Conflict
Andreas Wimmer argues that nationalist and ethnic politics have shaped modern societies to a far greater extent than has been acknowledged by social... Les mer
Legislative Politics in Latin America
This study explores legislative politics in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico. Instead of beginning with an assumption that these legislatures are... Les mer
Religious Conviction in Liberal Politics
What role should a citizen’s religious convictions play in her political activities? Is she, for example, permitted to decide on the basis of her... Les mer
Toleration as Recognition
In this book, Anna Elisabetta Galeotti examines the most intractable problems which toleration encounters and argues that what is really at stake is... Les mer
Legitimacy and Politics
For the past few years, the increase in cases of political corruption, the loss of politicians’ credibility, the development of social and... Les mer
The Macro Polity
The Macro Polity provides the first comprehensive model of American politics at the system level. Focusing on the interactions between citizen... Les mer
This work takes a look at the tensions between ideas of community and individuality, and security and freedom. It offers a reappraisal of the concept... Les mer
The Politics of Misinformation
The Politics of Misinformation is an examination of how concentrations of social and economic power result in public languages of politics that are... Les mer
Den öppna kroppen
Våra kroppar är inte bara ting utan också tecken. Detta är utgångspunkten för Jorun Solheims utforskning av den moderna kropps- och... Les mer
Tillbaka till livet
Vi är numera beroende av tekniken, och av kompetensen och omdömet hos dem som hanterar den. Särskilt tydligt blir detta beroende när det handlar... Les mer
I det sociala medborgarskapets skugga
Svensk socialpolitik beskrivs ofta som generell och generös, med honnörsord som "socialt medborgarskap" och "sociala... Les mer
Liberalismens Död
Immanuel Wallerstein har ett mångårigt vetenskapligt författarskap bakom sig. Det var han som lanserade den så kallade... Les mer
Arbete mellan misär och utopi
Med utgångspunkt i den svindlande snabba minskningen av det för produktionen nödvändiga lönarbetet tecknar André Gorz konturerna av den sociala... Les mer
Race and Place
A striking but little recognized change in race relations during the past two decades has seen the declining levels of racial segregation in most of... Les mer
Mandates and Democracy
Sometimes politicians run for office promising one set of policies, and if they win, switch to very different ones. Latin American presidents in... Les mer
Gäster och främlingar
Med Gäster och främlingar vill Saskia Sassen sätta in arbetskraftsmigrationen och flyktingströmmarna i Europa i det historiska sammanhang där de... Les mer
Miljörörelsens mångfald
Få förnekar numera miljöfrågornas allvar, men myndigheter, partier, företag och enskilda individer tar sig an miljöproblem på olika sätt.... Les mer
The English Constitution
Walter Bagehot’s anatomy of The English Constitution is a classic of English political writing. In this new Cambridge Texts edition it appears for... Les mer