Bøker i kategorien Samfunn/politikk
Kun lagervarer
Den europeiska valutaunionen EMU har utvecklats till ett dyrbart experiment, och historiens dom kommer att bli hård.
Länge såg det ut att gå...
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Zombie Economics
In the graveyard of economic ideology, dead ideas still stalk the land. The recent financial crisis laid bare many of the assumptions behind market...
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Det enda könet
Ekonomi handlar om pengar och varför de är bra", påstod Woody Allen. Fast riktigt så enkelt är det nog inte. Hur får du din middag? lyder...
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Ulikhetens pris
En av de mest innflytelsesrike og omtalte bøkene som er skrevet om samfunnet vårt de siste ti årene.
Hvorfor stoler briter mindre på hverandre...
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Human Rights without Democracy?
Do Human Rights truly serve the people? Should citizens themselves decide democratically of what those rights consist? Or is it a decision for...
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We are many
"A wonderful collection of questions and reflections on the state of the movement today, where we came from, and where we might be going. It is all...
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Digital Labor
Digital Labor calls on the reader to examine the shifting sites of labor markets to the Internet through the lens of their political, technological,...
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Fukushima Mon Amour
Four literary and political essays on the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster of March 11, 2011, following the earthquake and tsunami that struck the...
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The Words and the Land. Israeli Intellectuals and the Nationalist Myth
The idea of the Jewish nation was conceived before the organization of the Zionist movement in the nineteenth century and continued long after the...
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Salongsberusat är en antologi sprungen ur en föredragsserie som genomfördes på café Copacabana i Stockholm åren 2003-2005 med inspiration från...
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Springtime: The New Student Rebellions
First account of the momentous student movement that shook the world—in the voices of the students themselves
The autumn and winter of 2010 saw...
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The Words and the Land
The idea of the Jewish nation was conceived before the organization of the Zionist movement in the nineteenth century and continued long after the...
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The Problem with Work
In The Problem with Work, Kathi Weeks boldly challenges the presupposition that work, or waged labour, is inherently a social and political good....
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15. september 2007 var finanshuset Lehman Brothers i USA konkurs. Selskapet hadde da en gjeld på over 600 milliarder dollar, og historiens største...
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Taushetens tyranni
Taushetens tyranni er en personlig dannelseshistorie, en rekke levende reportasjer og en skarp analyse av hva det vil si å være borger i et...
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The Hegel Variations
In this major new study, the philosopher and cultural theorist Fredric Jameson offers a new reading of Hegel's foundational text "The...
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Goda medborgare och onda tider?
Är medborgarna demokratins främsta fiende? I samhällsdebatten hävdas ofta att den samtida demokratin präglas av att medborgarna inte tar sitt...
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Slutet på världen så som vi känner den
Mänskligheten står inför avgörande utmaningar på klimat- och miljöområdet. Men skulle klimatkrisen kunna innebära en förnyelse av demokratin...
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Mask : litteraturen som gömställe
Mask har undertiteln Litteraturen som gömställe och skildrar den underliga yrkeskår som vill gömma sig i strålkastarljuset, som ljuger med...
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Why Not Kill Them All? The Logic and Prevention of Mass Political Murder
Genocide, mass murder, massacres. The words themselves are chilling, evoking images of the slaughter of countless innocents. What dark impulses lurk...
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Crisis in the Global Economy
Crisis in the Global Economy is the latest and most innovative collective reflection on the state of global capitalism, developed in the mobile...
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