Bøker med nøkkelord «Antikk litteratur»

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Apuleius’ famous novel, The Metamorphoses, tells the story of a man who was magically changed into an ass, and who had various (humorous, sad,... Les mer
Vreden, gudinna, besjung som brann hos Peliden Achillevs, den som sänt tusen kval över olycksfödda achaier! Modiga hjältars själar i... Les mer
Iliaden er det eldste av de to homeriske heltediktene som innleder hele vår europeiske litteratur. Dette mektige eposet skildrer 51 dager i det... Les mer
Catullus is one of the liveliest and most appealing Roman poets. His emotion, charm, and apparent spontaneity resonate with readers as strongly today... Les mer
Comedy is the classical world’s most resilient and durable theatrical tradition. This volume offers a concise, accessible guide to the study of... Les mer
Solon and Early Greek Poetry
The poetry of archaic Greece gives voice to the history and politics of the culture of that age. This book explores the types of history that have... Les mer
Kong Ødipus
Det mest berømte drama i den vestlige verden. En skæbnehistorie med tragediens frygtelige smerte og opklaringshistorie med kriminalgenrens... Les mer
The Oresteia
One of the founding documents of Western culture and the only surviving ancient Greek trilogy, the Oresteia of Aeschylus is one of the great... Les mer
Odysseen er det ene av de to homeriske heltediktene og et av verdenslitteraturens store mesterverker. Både Iliaden og Odysseen henter sitt materiale... Les mer
This edition reintroduces Sappho to the modern reader, providing a vivid, contemporary translation, which captures the spareness and the intensity of... Les mer