The Cambridge Companion to Jonathan Edwards

Long recognized as America’s theologian, Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758) is seen as instrumental in the Great Awakening of the 1740s that gripped much of New England and that laid the groundwork for an American Protestant religious identity. This Cambridge Companion offers a general, comprehensive introduction to Jonathan Edwards and examines his life and works from various disciplinary perspectives including history, literature, theology, religious studies, and philosophy. The book consists of seventeen chapters written by leading religious scholars, historians and literary critics on Edwards\' life, work, and legacy. The Companion will be an invaluable aid to teachers and scholars and will be imminently accessible to those just encountering Edwards for the first time.

• Contains essays from a highly distinguished, international group of Edwards scholars • This volume incorporates an interdisciplinary approach to the study of Edwards - his life and context, his professional roles and achievements, and his legacy and reputation • The essays in this volume are not uncritical of Edwards, his theological viewpoints, and/or his life story


1. Introduction Stephen J. Stein; Part I. Life and Context: 2. Biography George M. Marsden; 3. Personal writings Kenneth P. Minkema; 4. New England background David D. Hall; 5. Transatlantic Enlightenment Avihu Zakai; Part II. Roles and Achievements: 6. Preacher Wilson H. Kimnach; 7. Revivalist Harry S. Stout; 8. Theologian E. Brooks Holifield; 9. Philosopher Stephen H. Daniel; 10. Exegete Stephen J. Stein; 11. Missionary Rachel M. Wheeler; Part III. Legacy and Reputation: 12. American culture Joseph A. Conforti; 13. American literature Philip F. Gura; 14. Gender and social issues Ava Chamberlain; 15. Evangelical tradition Douglas A. Sweeney; 16. Religious scholarship Stephen Crocco; 17. Abroad David Bebbington.


\' … chapters are informative … and give us a truer picture of the man than the popular caricature of a fierce preacher of hellfire sermons …\' Baptist Quarterly