All Night Movie

A hilarious and irreverent picaresque, All Night Movie follows the adventures of a young woman determined to conquer the world, pushing the limits established in patriarchal postdictatorship Argentina. A rogue's gallery of cultists, poisoners, ne'er-do wells, fans of exotic dance, and not least, visitors to a disconcertingly erotic telephone booth accompany the picara in her adventures. Borinsky's lyric prose fuses the languages of popular culture, politics, proverbs, tango and cinema in a seamless continuum illuminating the dark corners and enigmas of a society that celebrates its own demise. As Luisa Valenzuela says in her Introduction: "The reward does not consist in the suspension of disbelief. It consists in another belief that will open wide the doors for us to go out and play."

"No one else writing today can quite emulate her cartoon prose, a shot-gun marriage of comic and camp, the Borgesian and the Barthesian. Her eponymous heroine moves picaresquely from Momma & Poppa family to a telephone booth of a hock -shop, the epitome of 'down-town glitter' from London to New York offering every kind of fix, including here black tulips sprouting not surely in homage to A. Dumas." --Peter Bush, Director, British Center for Literary Translation

"Alicia Borinsky is unique, with an Argentine ear perfectly attuned to tangos and boleros. Her All Night Movie renews and transforms the genre of the picaresque novel. Borinsky is the reincarnation of Macedonio FernÁndez and Julio CortÁzar, as a daring and seductive storyteller in skirts." --TomÁs Eloy MartÍnez, author of Santa Evita

"Embedded within the novel's complex circuits is also the idea that literature may be civilization's only means of affirming itself, stating unequivocally that, Yes, despite all the massacres, the plagues. . . , yes, here we go. We'd do it all over again." --Barbara Jamison, The Nation