Bøker i kategorien Samfunn/politikk

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Civilizing Security
Security has become a defining feature of contemporary public discourse, permeating the so-called \'war on terror\', problems of everyday crime and... Les mer
The Institutional Economics of Corruption and Reform
Corruption has been a feature of public institutions for centuries yet only relatively recently has it been made the subject of sustained scientific... Les mer
Ethnicity and Electoral Politics
This book asks what distinguishes peaceful plural democracies from violent ones and what distinguishes violent ethnic groups from peaceful ones... Les mer
A Common Law Theory of Judicial Review
In this study, W. J. Waluchow argues that debates between defenders and critics of constitutional bills of rights presuppose that constitutions are... Les mer
The Institutional Foundations of Public Policy in Argentina
This book develops a general model of public policymaking, focusing on the difficulties of securing intertemporal exchanges among politicians. By... Les mer
Victorian Visions of Global Order
This wide-ranging and original study provides an insight into the climate of political thought during the lifespan of what was, at this time, the... Les mer
The Migration of Constitutional Ideas
The migration of constitutional ideas across jurisdictions is rapidly emerging as one of the central features of contemporary constitutional... Les mer
Human Capital
At a time when governments and policy-makers put so much emphasis on the knowledge economy and the economic value of education, human capital theory... Les mer
Weber, Habermas and Transformations of the European State
This book critically engages Jürgen Habermas’s comprehensive vision of constitutional democracy in the European Union. John P. McCormick draws on... Les mer
Advances in Economics and Econometrics
This is the second of three volumes containing edited versions of papers and a commentary presented at invited symposium sessions of the Ninth World... Les mer
International Law and International Relations
This volume is intended to help readers understand the relationship between international law and international relations (IL/IR). As a testament to... Les mer
Indigenous Rights and United Nations Standards
The debate on indigenous rights has revealed some serious difficulties for current international law, posed mainly by different understandings of... Les mer
Transitional Amnesty in South Africa
After the transition to democracy in 1994, South Africa reached out to perpetrators of violence from all conflicting parties by giving amnesty to... Les mer
United Nations Sanctions and the Rule of Law
The United Nations Security Council has increasingly resorted to sanctions as part of its efforts to prevent and resolve conflict. United Nations... Les mer
Genetiska konflikter
Kunskap är makt, vilket betyder att med genetisk kunskap följer anspråk på makt över livet, männi­skorna och tankarna. Men anspråk på makt... Les mer
Voices from Chernobyl
The people of Chernobyl talk about their lives before, during, and after the worst nuclear reactor accident in history, which occurred on April 26,... Les mer
Diagnosens makt
Det psykiska lidandet är omfattande i millennieskiftets Sverige. Utbrändhet, stressrelaterat trötthetssyndrom, depression, självskärande,... Les mer
Teorin om de fyra rörelserna och de generella ödena
Charles Fourier förespråkade en omorganisation av samhället, där självförsörjande och vetenskapligt planerade enheter skulle ge ett maximum av... Les mer
Bergsäkert eller våghalsigt?
Vilka risker är förenade med hantering av högaktivt kärnavfall? – Var skall det förvaras? – Hur skall en anläggning för säker... Les mer
Moving Mountains
In despatches written from villages and cities around the world, Anne-christine d'Askey reports on the greatest challenge facing us today: the... Les mer
Culture Of Fear Revisited
Fear has become an ever-expanding part of life in the West in the twenty-first century. We live in terror of disease, abuse, stranger danger,... Les mer
Profession och existens
Hur tänker, känner och handlar en sjuksköterska i mötet med svårt sjuka patienter? Hur påverkas sjuksköterskan privat och professionellt av... Les mer
Democracy, Education, and Equality
Many believe that equality of opportunity will be achieved when the prospects of children no longer depend upon the wealth and education of their... Les mer
The Family and the Political Self
Having children is the most common aim among human beings. The Family and the Political Self aims to capture the insights that can be gleaned from... Les mer