Bøker i kategorien Antropologi

Kun lagervarer
Denne boka handlar om genussystemet i Istmo de Tehuantepec. Dette systemet er ein variant av dei fleirgenussystema som fanst over heile Amerika før... Les mer
Revolusjoner i revers
I den nye rekken av Cappelens upopulære skrifter kommer Revolusjoner i revers av David Graeber som nr. 72. I denne essaysamlingen utforsker David... Les mer
Kjemi på kjøkkenet
Om hvorfor kaka faller sammen og andre kjøkkenhistorier. Må biffen romtemperes før den stekes? Faller kaken sammen hvis du ikke er forsiktig når... Les mer
På livets grense
Mennesket er en ekstremt tilpasningsdyktig skapning. Store folkegrupper har bosatt seg i ekstreme omgivelser. Ekspedisjoner tar turen til toppen av... Les mer
Crude Domination
Crude Domination is an innovative and important book about a critical topic - oil. While there have been numerous works about petroleum from... Les mer
“Shopping malls, motorways, airport lounges — we are all familiar with these curious spaces which are both everywhere and nowhere. But only now... Les mer
Anthropology off the Shelf
In Anthropology off the Shelf, leading anthropologists reflect on the craft of writing and the passions that fuel their desire to write... Les mer
Early Human Kinship
Early Human Kinship brings together original studies from leading figures in the biological sciences, social anthropology, archaeology, and... Les mer
Lost People
Betafo, a rural community in central Madagascar, is divided between the descendants of nobles and descendants of slaves. Anthropologist David Graeber... Les mer
Levi-Strauss, Anthropology, and Aesthetics
In a wide-ranging and original study of Claude Lévi-Strauss’s aesthetic thought, Boris Wiseman demonstrates not only its centrality within his... Les mer
Witchcraft, Sorcery, Rumors and Gossip
Witchcraft, Sorcery, Rumors, and Gossip combines two classic topics in social anthropology in a new synthesis: the study of witchcraft and sorcery... Les mer
Witchcraft, Sorcery, Rumors and Gossip
Witchcraft, Sorcery, Rumors, and Gossip combines two classic topics in social anthropology in a new synthesis: the study of witchcraft and sorcery... Les mer
Islam, Law, and Equality in Indonesia
In Indonesia, the world’s largest Muslim-majority country, Muslims struggle to reconcile radically different sets of social norms and laws,... Les mer
Islam, Law, and Equality in Indonesia
In Indonesia, the world’s largest Muslim-majority country, Muslims struggle to reconcile radically different sets of social norms and laws,... Les mer
Samisk shamanism
Jörgen I Eriksson har under sina resor i Sameland noga följt och studerat noajdiens och det samiska tänkandets andliga renässans. Har den... Les mer
Spillror av paradiset
Spillror av paradiset (Tristes tropiques) är en av 1900-talets litterära och antropologiska klassiker. Denna skarpsynta och personliga... Les mer
Teaching and Learning in Japan
Major scholars on Japan explore the Japanese style of learning in this important volume, drawing upon ethnographic and experimental studies of... Les mer
Women, Family, and Child Care in India
This book presents an in-depth study of 24 Hindu families, of different caste and class groups, who reside in a recently urbanizing part of India.... Les mer
Women, Family, and Child Care in India
This book presents an in-depth study of 24 Hindu families, of different caste and class groups, who reside in a recently urbanizing part of India.... Les mer
Den gode och den onde vilden
Antropologen Christer Lindberg skildrar i denna bok västerlandets framställningar av indianer alltsedan Columbus dagar och sätter in våra... Les mer
Dahomean Narrative
This new edition brings back into print one of the classics in scholarly analysis and translation, written by one of the luminaries of American... Les mer
Det vilda tänkandet
Ett epokgörande arbete av 1900-talets mest inflytelserika antropolog. Genom en analys av s.k primitivt tänkande vill Lévi-Strauss visa att... Les mer
Vandrare i två världar
1986 påbörjade Jörgen I Eriksson sina fältstudier om den samiska shamanismen. Nu, nästan tjugo år senare, återvänder han för en ny... Les mer