Bøker i kategorien Samfunn/politikk
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Crises of Imagination, Crises of Power
Today, when it seems like everything has been privatized, when austerity is too often seen as an economic or political problem that can be solved...
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En färdplan för prekariatet. Vägen till ett fullvärdigt medborgarskap
Under en föreläsning i Malmö 2014 ställde ekonomen Guy Standing en enkel fråga till publiken: Hur många här förväntar sig att få fast...
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Capital in the twenty-first century
What are the grand dynamics that drive the accumulation and distribution of capital? Questions about the long-term evolution of inequality, the...
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Valg, velferd og lokaldemokrati
Denne boken er en hyllest til Per Arnt Pettersen. Gjennom en lang karriere som forsker og professor i statsvitenskap ved flere universiteter har...
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Ukraina: Landet på grensen
Et innblikk i den ukrainske revolusjonen vinteren 2013-2014 og bakgrunnen for den. Navnet Ukraina betyr "landet på grensen". Ukraina har...
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I bevegelse; veivalg for det 21. århundre
Når Jonas Gahr Støre kommer med sin egen bok er det ikke så lite av en sensasjon. Boken, som har den talende tittel I bevegelse forteller om...
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Kapitalen i det 21. århundre
Hvilke store krefter driver akkumulasjonen og fordelingen av kapital? Hvordan oppstår ulikhet over tid? Hvorfor hoper velstand seg opp, og hva...
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The Idea Of Communism 2
The very successful first volume followed the 2009 conference called in response to Alain Badiou's "communist...
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The Heretic’s Guide to Global Finance
Popular anger against the financial system has never been higher, yet the practical workings of the system remain opaque to many people. The...
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In Letters Of Blood And Fire
Although information technology, immaterial production, financialization, and globalization have been trumpeted as inaugurating a new phase of...
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Testo Junkie
What constitutes a "real" man or woman in the twenty-first century? Since birth control pills, erectile dysfunction remedies, and...
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Taler i Sverige
I de to foredragene som Albert Camus holdt i Sverige i forbindelse med mottakelsen av Nobelprisen i litteratur i 1957, forklarer han sitt syn på...
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Jeg er Malala
I oktober 2012 stoppet menn fra Taliban en buss med pakistanske skoleelever i Swatdalen: - Hvem av dere er Malala? Malala ble skutt i hodet, men...
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Etter 22. juli 2011 ble det norske politiets kulturer og lederskap utsatt for en kritikk uten sidestykke i nyere tid. Men hvordan kan man forstå...
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Norge og det nye verdenskartet
bør vi bruke oljefondet for å redde klimaet? Skal Norge ha kontakt med byer i stedet
for land, og skal vi gi opp FN til fordel for Arktisk Råd...
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Hva Norge kan være i verden
Europas økonomiske korthus faller sammen. Den arabiske våren frøs til vinter. Det nordamerikanske imperiet er i ferd med å vakle og Kina reiser...
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A History of the World in 100 Objects
This book takes a dramatically original approach to the history of humanity, using objects which previous civilisations have left behind them, often...
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Preliminary Materials for a Theory of the Young-Girl
The Young-Girl is not always young; more and more frequently, she is not even female. She is the figure of total integration in a disintegrating...
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Burma - A Nation at the Crossroads
For more than 50 years, Burma has been ruled by a succession of military regimes which rank among the most oppressive dictatorships in the world....
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The Administration of Fear
We are living under the administration of fear: fear has become an environment, an everyday landscape. There was a time when wars, famines, and...
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The Origins of Political Order
Nations are not trapped by their pasts, but events that happened hundreds or even thousands of years ago continue to exert huge influence on...
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The End of History and the Last Man
THE GLOBAL BESTSELLER. STILL AS RELEVANT TODAY. 20th anniversary edition of The End of History and the Last Man, a landmark of political philosophy...
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