Bøker med nøkkelord «Idéhistorie»

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Aestethics and Politics
No other country and no other period has produced a tradition of major aesthetic debate to compare with that which unfolded in German culture from... Les mer
Infancy and History
How and why did experience and knowledge become separated? Is it possible to talk of an infancy of experience, a “dumb” experience? For Walter... Les mer
Politics and History
The groundbreaking Marxist philosopher provides unique appraisals of major writers. “One reads him with excitement. There is no mystery about his... Les mer
This third book in the Cool Memories series is culled from Baudrillard's notebooks in the period when he was composing The Illusion of the End and... Les mer
Logics of Disintegration
A dramatic attack on the thought of Derrida, Foucault and Lacan that critically analyzes one of the most influential intellectual currents of our... Les mer
Late Marxism
In the name of an assault on “totalization” and “identity,” a number of contemporary theorists have been busily washing Marxism's dialectical... Les mer
In Emancipation(s), Ernesto Laclau addresses a central question: how have the changes of the last decade, together with the transformation in... Les mer
On the Shores of Politics
This major French thinker gives politics back its original and necessary meaning: the organization of dissent. “Rancière’s writings offer one... Les mer
Strategy of Deception
Written with his characteristic flair, Virillo’s latest book is a trenchant denunciation of the Kosovo war in which he successfully unites theory... Les mer
Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous
The great philosopher George Berkeley centered his Three Dialogues upon an imaginary discussion on the subject of materialism. Over the period of... Les mer
The Indivisible Remainder
The maverick philosopher combines Schelling with popular film for a fascinating study of modern life. The feature which distinguishes the great... Les mer
Being and Event
Being and Event is the centrepiece of Alain Badiou's oeuvre; it is the work that grounds his reputation as one of France's most original... Les mer
Spinoza: Theological-Political Treatise
Spinoza’s Theological-Political Treatise (1670) is one of the most important philosophical works of the early modern period. In it Spinoza... Les mer
Kierkegaards filosofi
Bogen adskiller sig fra samme forfatters Livet forstås baglæns, men må leves forlæns - der jo læser liv og værk kronologisk - ved at fokusere... Les mer
Handling og ondskab
Hvad er ondskab- og hvordan kan man beskrive det handlende menneske? Det var centrale spørgsmål for den tysk-amerikanske tænker Hannah Arendt... Les mer
Det ene: Udvalgte enneader
Det drilagtige ved Plotin - for en nutidig læser - er, at når han taler alvorligt og indtrængende om gud, så tror vi, at det er den kristne Gud,... Les mer
Critique of Pure Reason
Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (1781) is the central text of modern philosophy. It brings together the two opposing schools of... Les mer
Johann Georg Hamann (1730–1788) is a major figure not only in German philosophy but also in literature and religious history. In his own time he... Les mer
This volume presents a colourful and entertaining overview of German intellectual history by a central figure in its development. Heinrich Heine... Les mer
Anslaget i 'Samfundskontrakten' er egentlig negativt, for Rousseau mener, at alt - ALT - siden tidernes morgen er gået ad helvede til: oprindelig... Les mer
Prolegomena til enhver fremtidig metafysik, der skal kunne fremtræde som videnskab
Da Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) i 1781 udsendte sin store Kritik af den rene fornuft, var der længe ganske stille omkring hans ellers ambitiøse... Les mer
War Crimes and Just War
Larry May argues that the best way to understand war crimes is as crimes against humanness rather than as violations of justice. He shows that in a... Les mer
Försokratikern Sapho och andra studier i antikt tänkande
I motsats till den gängse uppfattningen menar Jesper Svenbro att mytskapandet fortsätter med stor vitalitet också efter försokratikernas... Les mer
Dieu, le sexe et la vérité
La disparition de François Balmès nous a privés trop tôt d'une lecture de Lacan qui restera irremplaçable, comme en témoignent les textes... Les mer