Bøker med nøkkelord «Idéhistorie»

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Kroppens fænomenologi
Den fænomenologiske tilgang til verden – en umiddelbar oplevelse af helheder og værenstilstande – kan tage sig meget forskellig ud, især hvis... Les mer
The Parallax View
The Parallax View is Slavoj Zizek's most substantial theoretical work to appear in many years; Zizek himself describes it as his magnum opus.... Les mer
Descartes: A Biography
Descartes is best remembered for ‘I think, therefore I am’, but his main contribution to the history of ideas was to construct a philosophy that... Les mer
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Nietzsche regarded ‘Thus Spoke Zarathustra’ as his most important work, and his story of the wandering Zarathustra has had enormous influence on... Les mer
Thomas Aquinas (1224/6-1274) was one of the greatest of the medieval philosophers. His Summa Theologiae is his most important contribution to... Les mer
Summa Theologiae
The Summa Theologiae ranks among the greatest documents of the Christian Church, and is a landmark of medieval western thought. It is regularly... Les mer
Minima Moralia
“A volume of Adorno is equivalent to a whole shelf of books on literature.” — Susan Sontag “The best thoughts of a noble and invigorating... Les mer
For Marx
A milestone in the development of post-war Marxist thought, this is the work in which Louis Althusser formulated some of his most influential ideas.... Les mer
The System of Objects
A cultural critique of the commodity in consumer society, The System of Objects is a tour de force – a theoretical letter-in-a-bottle tossed into... Les mer
Liberalism and Democracy
A magisterial introduction to the relationship between liberalism and democracy, from its beginnings in classical Greek thought to our own... Les mer
The Function of Criticism
This wide-ranging book argues that criticism emerged in early bourgeois society as a central feature of a “public sphere” in which political,... Les mer
The Information Bomb
Virilio’s exploration of the relationship between technology, speed, war and information technology weaves together a breathtaking worldview of... Les mer
Culture and Materialism
A comprehensive introduction to the work of one of the outstanding intellectuals of the twentieth century.  Raymond Williams is a towering... Les mer
The Moral Law
Few books have had as great an impact on intellectual history as Kant’s The Moral Law. In its short compass one of the greatest minds in the... Les mer
Desert Screen: War at the Speed of Light
Desert Screen is a vision of future war. Paul Virilio identifies the Gulf War as a turning point in history, the last industrial and the first... Les mer
The Accident of Art
Urbanist and technological theorist Paul Virilio trained as a painter, studying under Henri Matisse, Georges Braque, Bazaine and de Stael. In The... Les mer
The Conspiracy of Art
The images from Abu Ghraib are as murderous for America as those of the World Trade Center in flames. The whole West is contained in the burst of... Les mer
Teknik og videnskab som ideologi
Dette er et af Habermas' (f. 1929) tidlige arbejder, holdt sammen af et par store og væsentlige afhandlinger og - ikke mindst - afrundet af hans... Les mer
Kritik af den kyniske fornuft
Sloterdijks monumentale og monstrøse værk er ikke til at slippe, når man først får begyndt. Her er ikke tale om en spidsfindig forkastelse af... Les mer
Spinoza and Spinozism
Among the great thinkers, Spinoza created a complete system of philosophy that rivals Plato's, with crucial contributions to every major... Les mer
Nihilisme og emancipation
I Nihilisme og emancipation forsøger Gianni Vattimo at gentænke begreberne politik, etik og ret i den moderne verden, hvor uforanderlige principper... Les mer
Mellem ting: Foucaults filosofi
Foucaults forfatterskab er - hvad de værker angår, han selv udgav - ved at være komplet oversat til dansk: 'Vidensarkæologien' følger senere på... Les mer
Peirce, Pragmatism, and the Logic of Scripture
This is the first study of Charles Peirce’s philosophy as a form of writing and the first study of his pragmatic writings as a critique of the... Les mer
En teori om retfærdighed
Retfærdighed er et gammelt tema i filosofiens historie - jf. Platons dialog 'Staten' - og ikke uden grund, da samfund og moral, de sociale... Les mer