Bøker med nøkkelord «Idéhistorie»
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The Arcades Project
The Arcades Project is Benjamin's effort to represent and to critique the bourgeois experience of 19th-century history, and, in doing so, to liberate...
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The Non-Philosophy of Gilles Deleuze
The Non-Philosophy of Gilles Deleuze takes up Deleuze’s most powerful argument on the task of contemporary philosophy in the West. Deleuze argues...
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International Relations in Political Thought
This unique collection presents texts in international relations from Ancient Greece to the First World War. Major writers such as Thucydides,...
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Fenomenologin är en av vår tids mest betydelsefulla och inflytelserika filosofier. Den har resulterat i en rad banbrytande arbeten inom filosofins...
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Kant: A Very Short Introduction
Kant is arguably the most influential modern philosopher, but also one of the most difficult. Roger Scruton tackles his exceptionally complex subject...
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The Confessions
Augustine’s fourth-century spiritual autobiography not only is a major document in the history of Christianity, a classic of Roman Africa, and the...
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Fearless Speech
I would like to distinguish between the 'history of ideas' and the 'history of thought.' The history of ideas involves the analysis...
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Hatred of Capitalism
Compiled in 2001 to commemorate the passing of an era, Hatred of Capitalism brings together highlights of Semiotext(e)'s most beloved and...
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Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to the Later Heidegger
Martin Heidegger is one of the most controversial thinkers of the twentieth century. His writings are notoriously difficult: they both require and...
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Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Hegel on History
Hegel's Introduction to the Philosophy of History remains one of the most profound and influential books on the philosophy of history. In clear and...
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Routledge Philosophy GuideBook to Leibniz and the Monadology
Leibniz is a major figure in western philosophy and, with Descartes and Spinoza, one of the most influential philosophers of the Rationalist School....
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Kroppens fenomenologi
Maurice Merleau-Ponty är 37 år gammal när han 1945 lägger fram sin avhandling Phénoménologie de la perception. Genom Sartre, som var en...
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Ludwig Wittgenstein: geniets plikt
... utan tvivel den mest väldokumenterade och allsidiga framställningen vi har av filosofens liv och verk... Det är en utmärkt sak att vi nu har...
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Means without End: Notes on Politics
An essential reevaluation of the proper role of politics in contemporary life.
A critical rethinking of the categories of politics within a new...
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Queer Theory and Social Change
Queer Theory and Social Change argues that there is a crisis within Queer theory over whether or not its theories can actually deliver change.
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Samtaler på Tusculum
Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 f.Kr.) regnes som en av den latinske litteraturs fremste representanter. Han var en betydelig stilist og taler, og...
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Karl Marx: en introduktion
För dem som får kvävningskänslor i dagens marknadskultur öppnar varje avvikande röst en glipa mot friska luften. Den lilla introduktion till...
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I skuggan av framtiden
Vad är det som utmärker moderniteten? Vad skiljer den moderna tiden från tidigare epoker?
Sven-Eric Liedmans stora undersökning tar avstamp i...
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Tre böcker om själen
Få filosofer har utövat ett sådant inflytande på den västerländska tanketraditionen som Aristoteles. I Om själen, förmodligen tillkommen...
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Why Different?
For Luce Irigaray, one of the most original French feminist theorists, deconstructing the patriarchal tradition is not enough. She admits that it is...
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Hvad er metafysik?
Heidegger indleder selve forelæsningen fra den 24. juli 1929 således: ”’Hvad er metafysik?’ – Spørgsmålet vækker den forventning, at der...
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