Bøker med nøkkelord «Teori»

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Vagant 4/2010
I Vagant kan man lese tekster om og av dagens toneangivende forfattere og kritikere. Bladet trykker intervjuer, essays, notiser, anmeldelser,... > Les mer
Aiolos 1-2/2010: Hill
Tidskrift för litteratur, teori och estetik. Aiolos vill vara ett forum för djuplodande essäistik, där ordkonst och bildkonst vävs samman med... > Les mer
ARTMonitor 8/2010: The Art Text
This issue is dedicated to the forms of artistic writing that are not fiction, critique or science, but interesting examples of the new kinds of... > Les mer
Soul and Form
György Lukács was a Hungarian Marxist philosopher, writer, and literary critic who shaped mainstream European Communist thought. Soul and Form was... Les mer
Bøygen 4/2009: Film og litteratur
Forfatter Ragnar Hovland skriver om sin vei til filmen, litteraturprofessor Jakob Lothe ser på hvordan det var mulig å filmatisere Virginia Woolfs... > Les mer
Geist nr. 15-16, del 2: Geist on Scene
Tidskriften Geists huvudsakliga målsättning är att bredda och utveckla formulerandet i text. Geist kan betraktas som ett experimentellt forum och... > Les mer
The Cambridge Introduction to J. M. Coetzee
The South African novelist and Nobel Laureate J. M. Coetzee is widely studied around the world and attracts considerable critical attention. With the... Les mer
Aiolos 3-4/2008: Passioner
Tidskrift för litteratur, teori och estetik. Aiolos vill vara ett forum för djuplodande essäistik, där ordkonst och bildkonst vävs samman med... > Les mer
The Cambridge Introduction to Edith Wharton
Born in New York into a world of wealth and privilege, and writing with unique insight into the lives of the rich and fashionable, Edith Wharton was... Les mer
Lost and Found: Queerying the Archive
Lost and Found: Queerying the Archive is an international exhibition and publication focusing on memory and the writing of history in relationship to... Les mer
Milton and Ecology
In Milton and Ecology, Ken Hiltner engages with literary, theoretical, and historic approaches to explore the ideological underpinnings of our... Les mer
Borges and the Kabbalah
The Argentinian Jorge Luis Borges was one of the most influential figures to emerge from the great blossoming of South American literature in the... Les mer
The Ethics of Modernism
What was the ethical perspective of modernist literature? How did Yeats, Eliot, Joyce, Woolf and Beckett represent ethical issues and develop their... Les mer
Milton and Gender
Milton’s contempt for women has been accepted since Samuel Johnson’s famous Life of the poet. Subsequent critics have long debated whether... Les mer
Dante and the Franciscans
Nick Havely examines the connections between Dante, the Franciscans and the Papacy as they appear in the Commedia and presents the poem as one... Les mer
Henry James and the Language of Experience
In Henry James and the Language of Experience, Collin Meissner examines the political dimension to the representation of experience as it unfolds... Les mer
Henry James and the Culture of Publicity
This book examines the relationship between the writings of Henry James and the historical formation of mass culture. Throughout his career, James... Les mer
Artistic Truth
It is unfashionable to talk about artistic truth. Yet the issues traditionally addressed under that term have not disappeared. Indeed, questions... Les mer
D. H. Lawrence and the Bible
The Bible, as this book demonstrates, plays a key role in nearly all D. H. Lawrence’s work. It supplies not only the inspiration but on occasion... Les mer
Cosmopoiesis: Renessansens prosjekt
Giuseppe Mazzotta (f. 1942), professor i italiensk ved Yale University, er berømt for sine nylesninger av klassikere som Dante, Petrarca, Boccaccio... Les mer
The Revolution in the Visual Arts and the Poetry of William Carlos Williams
The formation of Modernist literature took place in a cultural climate characterised by an unprecedented collaboration between painters, sculptors,... Les mer
Audiatur - Katalog for ny poesi, 2009
Audiatur - Festival for ny poesi går 3.-8. november 2009 av stabelen for fjerde gang. Festivalen vil bestå av opplesninger, panelsamtaler, en... Les mer
Mellomrom II: Omsetjaren Olav H. Hauge
Olav H. Hauge er av mange rekna for å vere ein av Noregs fremste omsetjarar. Omsetjingspraksisen hans står i nær samanheng med resten av diktinga,... Les mer
Art Theory: An Historical Introduction
Indispensable reading for both art lovers and students, Art Theory, 2nd Edition explores Western thought about art from ancient times to the... Les mer