ARTMonitor 8/2010: The Art Text
This issue is dedicated to the forms of artistic writing that are not fiction, critique or science, but interesting examples of the new kinds of essay writing that can be found in artistic research. Here the text is not a tool for inspection and control of research and thinking, but rather texts that are building blocks of open artistic processes of the most diverse kinds.
The issue is based on the international conference ArtText that was held at the Dickson Palace in Gothenburg 2009.
Johan Öberg
Dear reader: of private and public writing
Mick Wilson
A role-play (x y)
Clare Butcher
Jeremiah Day
Future reflections future (re) composition
Katrine Hjelde & Marsha Bradfield
Writing around a practice: walking around the city
Paul Landon
Life, death and beauty: performative writing in visual art
Tracy Mackenna
Modernity retired - science as image
Staffan Schmidt
Fashion fianchettos ñ text,program,fashion
Otto von Busch
Intersections between artistic approach and text genre
Katji Lindberg
Being native - distance, closeness
and doing auto/self-ethnography
Thommy Eriksson
Socialising in artistic research
Andreas Gedin
The design research text and the poetics
of foundational definitions
Lars Hallnäs
The empty gallery interviews
Claire Nichols
The poetics of history or - hatching an ugly duckling:
research in mode
Andrej Slávik
Work stories
Magnus Bärtås
The dialectics of the art text
Bart Geerts
A journey to the white desert
Irene Kopelman
Writing from within the creative process
Emma Göransson & Roland Ljungberg
Choices to be made at the crossroads
Raimi Gbadamosi
Working on the partial art of writing
Ylva Gislén
Failure to comunicate clearly or clearly failing to communicate
Amy Franceschini
Oh happy day - what makes research count as research
Mika Hannula
Artistic research and the "Butterfly effect"
Johan Öberg
Two doctoral projects by musicians in "musikalisk gestaltning"
Kati Hämäläinen
Got to get something started:
art and science meet at Kunsthalle Kiel
Mika Hannula
Nøkkelord: Tidsskrifter Kunst Essay Teori Samtidskunst
- Forlag: Göteborg Universitet
- Utgivelsesår: 2010
- Tidsskrift: ARTMonitor
- Kategori: Tidsskrifter
- Lagerstatus:
Få igjen
- Antall sider: 240
- ISBN: 9789197847513
- Innbinding: Heftet